Joycean Noise Workshop 2025
- For further information email, cc:
Dear Friends of the Joyce Foundation,
We are happy to invite you to the upcoming Blooomsday!
We will be celebrating on 16 June, starting at 5.30 p.m. at Gemeinschaftszentrum Hottingen with readings, music, drinks and nice people. And not to forget our unique Bloomsday buffet!
Please register by 11 June at or call 044 211 83 01.
For details of the programme, please see the attached flyer.
Hoping to see you there,
Your ZJJF team and the Board of the Friends
Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie einzuladen
Tuesday, 5 March at 6.30 at the Foundation
The Poetry of Gerald Dawe
Curated by Frank Ferguson, Ulster University, Coleraine
6 – 26 March 2024
Gerald Dawe celebrates the art of living in places. Whether the Belfast of the 1960s, the
anxious territories of the 1970s and 1980s, or the emergent ‘new’ Ireland, his writing
expresses the potency of memory to shape and sustain. One of the country’s most
distinctive living writers, his poetry and memoirs stand as powerful testimonies to the
energy, movement and possibility of the homes and cities in which he resides.
Official Opening
Aoife McGarry, Irish Ambassador
Readings, Comments, Conversation
Gerald Dawe
Ron Ewart
Frank Ferguson
An apéro will be served to round off the evening.
RSVP: Thursday 29 February 2024
044 211 83 01 |
Augustinergasse 9
Curated by Frank Ferguson, Ulster University, Coleraine
An Exhibition at the Zurich James Joyce Foundation
Strauhof, Augustinergasse 9
6 – 26 March 2024
Opening times: Monday-Friday 10 – 12 and 14 – 16.30
Guided Tour: Friday 15 March, 17.00
Gerald Dawe celebrates the art of living in places. Whether the Belfast of the
1960s, the anxious territories of the 1970s and 1980s, or the emergent ‘new’
Ireland, his writing expresses the potency of memory to shape and sustain. One
of the country’s most distinctive living writers, his poetry and memoirs stand as
powerful testimonies to the energy, movement and possibility of the homes and
cities in which he resides.
Sehr geehrte Mitglieder
Wir freuen uns, Sie zur 36. Mitgliederversammlung des Vereins der Freunde einzuladen, am Dienstag, den 27. Februar um 18 Uhr in der Stiftung, Augustinergasse 9, 8001 Zürich.
Vereinsgeschäfte / Antonia Fritz
19 Uhr kleiner Umbiss
19:30 Uhr The Queen of Alliteration
Kurzlesungen aus dem Werk von Amanda McKittrick Ros (1860 – 1939)
mit einer Einführung von Fritz Senn
Monday, 26 February 2024, 7.30 pm
It is our pleasure to invite you to a Strauhof Lecture
by the former ZJJF scholar
Talia Abu
Tel Aviv University
In Ulysses and Finnegans Wake Joyce includes vegetarian practices
that indicate a deep engagement with particular moral and ethical
issues associated with food and eating. In the discussion Talia Abu
will address the cultural attitudes toward vegetarianism in Joyce’s
time, and will explore vegetarianism in Ulysses and Finnegans
Wake as a rebellion against mainstream social and cultural values.
RSVP: Thursday 22 February 2024
044 211 83 01 |
We are happy to invite you to our first Strauhof Lecture of the year:
Vitor Alevato do Amaral
Fluminense Federal University (Rio de Janeiro)
Joyce’s Poetry and A Portrait ReTranslated into
Brazilian Portuguese: Chances and Challenges
Joyce’s early and occasional poems – as well as his own translations – were
published in Portuguese for the first time in 2022: Alevato’s bilingual Outra
poesia edition contains poems dating from 1891 to 1939.
On the other hand, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) was first
translated into Brazilian Portuguese in 1945 and has been retranslated five
times so far. Vitor’s new translation is now in its final stage.
Vitor was a recipient of the Joyce Scholarship and Looren Residency in 2020
and is currently working on A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man at
Translation House Looren.
RSVP: Thursday 18 January 2024
044 211 83 01 |
Saturday, 4 November 2023,
Matinée at the Filmpodium, Nüschelerstrasse 11, Zürich
Translating Ulysses
Netherlands/Turkey, 2023. Directed by Aylin Kuryel and Firat Yücel
Subtitles in English and German
The documentary portrays Kawa Nemir, renowned Kurdish author and translator of English literature, on his epic journey to bring Joyce’s Ulysses from the Irish sea to the Kurdish mountains.
But how can Ulysses with its complexity and infinite variety of words and symbols be translated into a language that is politically repressed? During his six-years’ task he collects a myriad of Kurdish words and idioms to create a Kurdish analogue to Joyce’s novel, attempting to redeem the collective memory of the Kurdish language and to build a bridge between his own Kurdish culture and world literature.
Kawa Nemir
Fr 27.10.2023 at Zürcher James Joyce-Stiftung
Zürich liest
«Werden Fische eigentlich seekrank?»
«Peace and war depend on some fellow’s digestion.»
«Wieso menstruieren nicht alle Frauen zur selben Zeit beim selben Mond?»
Folgen Sie Blooms Gedankengängen auf seiner Odyssee durch Dublin, kreuz und quer durch den Text.
Lesungen D/E. Platzzahl beschränkt!
Nehmen Sie einen Schluck von dem Meer, über das Joyces Odysseus jede Woche segelt, wenn sich in der Zürcher James Joyce Stiftung Literaturbegeisterte und Irlandfans zur Ulysses-Lektüre treffen. Sehen Sie selber, ob Ihnen ein Schluck genügt …
Lesende aus der Zürcher Joyce Community
Englisch und Deutsch
Eintritt frei, Kollekte.
Keine Tickets, keine Reservation; Einlass, solange Platz vorhanden
Zürcher James Joyce-Stiftung
Augustinergasse 9
8001 Zürich
2. Stock (kein Lift)
Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 7.30 p.m.
On occasion of his recent book publication we are happy to invite you to a lecture by
Gabriel Renggli (University of York)
Gabriel’s book Joyce as Theory, published in February 2023,
examines the various scenes in Finnegans Wake that deal with the
production and interpretation of texts. Any reader of the Wake knows
that ALP’s letter is somehow important and that Shaun hates Shem’s
writing, but what Gabriel argues is that in these and other narratives,
Joyce presents a systematic philosophy of meaning-making – a
hermeneutics – which markedly resembles what would come to be
called “literary theory” in the second half of the twentieth century.
This lecture provides an overview of what theory is, how Joyce fits
into it, and how Joyce’s approach resembles that of Jacques Derrida,
in particular.
Students welcome!
RSVP until 19 May to: or 044 211 83 01.
06.-12. August 2023
Der ukrainische Autor Kostyantyn Belyaev stellt seine Übersetzung zu Finnegans Wake auf Russisch vor. Der Abend findet Ukrainisch und Russisch mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung statt.
Im Rahmen der Strauhof lectures besucht der Autor, Übersetzer und Künstler uns in Zürich und gibt Einblicke in seine neuste Buchpublikation ‘Ja, liegt denn Dublin nicht auf Hawaii’?
Am palindromen 2.2,22 wurde der Ulysses 100,
Am 16, Juni des Jublläumsjahres wandert Leopold Bloom zum 101.
Mal durch Dublin, tritt seine Reise an durch Joyces Text, hängt seinen
Gedanken nach, trifft auf verschiedenste Leute und Situationen.
Liebe Freunde der Joyce Stiftung,
liebe Gastgeberinnen und Gastgeber, Lesende, Helfer und
Helferinnen des Ulysses2022-Lesemarathons
Den diesjährigen Bloomsday – und Blooms Eintritt in sein
2. Jahrhundert – möchten wir gerne gemeinsam mit Euch feiern!
Im Theatersaal Weisser Wind, Oberdorfstrasse 20, 8001 Zürich
Eintreffen ab 18 Uhr
Lesungen in Deutsch und teils Englisch
Anmeldung erforderlich:
wir bitten um Antwort bis 10. Juni
an oder an 044 211 83 01.
Bitte teilen Sie uns auch mit, ob Sie vegetarisch essen
Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2022, 19.30 Uhr
Als Proust »Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit« und Joyce »Ulysses« schrieb, entstand auch in Finnland ein epochales Werk, das oft mit Joyce verglichen wurde: In Volter Kilpis Prosa-Epos lädt der Gutsherr Alastalo die wichtigsten Männer der Schärengemeinde ein, um sie vom gemeinsamen Bau einer Dreimastbark zu überzeugen. Während mit Hingabe Pfeife geraucht und Grog getrunken wird, umkreisen die unterschiedlichen Lager einander listig in dem Versuch, die eigenen Interessen durchzusetzen. Kilpis über tausendseitiges Opus magnum spielt an einem einzigen Nachmittag und ist eine grossartige Charakterstudie der Menschen, die den Kosmos der finnischen Schären im 19. Jahrhundert bevölkerten. Vor allem aber ist der Roman ein überwältigendes Sprachkunstwerk, das einen unvergleichlichen Sog entwickelt und durch Stefan Mosters Übersetzungsgrosstat endlich der deutschen Leserschaft zugänglich wird.
Ort: Zürcher James Joyce Stiftung
Moderation: Peter Fritz (Literaturagentur Paul & Peter Fritz)
Eintritt: 10.00 CHF
Mitglieder Freunde der Joyce Stiftung: gratis
Genau 100 Jahre nach seiner Ersterscheinung am 2.2.1922 wird im Strauhof zu diesem Klassiker eine Ausstellung eröffnet. In Zusammenarbeit mit Ursula Zeller und Ruth Frehner, den Kuratorinnen der Zürcher James Joyce Stiftung, werden Entstehung und Rezeption, Inhalt und Form von «Ulysses» in 100 Exponaten inszeniert.
Kaufleuten Zürich, 28. Februar, 20.00
Ulysses galt lange als notorisch obszön und als ebenso notorisch schwierig. Letzteres zum Teil bis heute.
Doch wie steht es mit seinem Ruf als der witzigste, humorvollste Roman der Moderne? An diesem Abend haben Sie Gelegenheit, mit und über Ulysses ausgiebig zu lachen.
Als Joyce während des 1. Weltkriegs in Zürich am Ulysses schrieb, machten hier die Dadaist:innen Furore, die das Cabaret Voltaire bespielten und die Zürcher Bourgeoisie aufschreckten.
Natürlich wusste man voneinander. Joyce war zwar kein Dadaist, war nie Anhänger von -Ismen. Er hielt sich davon fern, indem er gleich alle umfasste – und so blieben auch die Wortrevoluzzer von der Spiegelgasse nicht ohne Wirkung auf Ulysses: in Joyces fröhlicher Vielfalt hat Dada ein deutliches Echo. Die eine Seite seines Humors hat eine Zürcher Note.
Anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags des Ulysses 2022 soll dieses Zürcher “Literaturtreffen”, das so nie stattfand, in einer Leseperformance gefeiert werden.
In diesem Lesemosaik prallt Joyce auf Dada-Texte, es zeigen sich verblüffende und witzige Verwandtschaften und auch falsche Freunde. Umrundet wird die Lesung von Sounds aus objets trouvés von Petflasche bis Pappkarton, die der fabelhafte Balts Nill ihnen entlockt.
Terms: The sponsor of the raffle is the Friends of the Zurich James Joyce Foundation. The deadline for participation is midnight on February 21, 2022. Only one entry per person is permitted. In order to qualify, at least 3 Ulysses coin stickers must be affixed to the postcard and sent to the address printed on the postcard. The winners will be determined after the closing date by drawing lots. Winners will be informed of by e-mail.
On Saturday, February 5, 2022, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of Ulysses with readings of various chapters of James Joyce’s novel in German or English at 16 locations in the city of Zurich, from 8 a.m. until after midnight. Much of this book of the century was written during Joyce’s stay in Zurich from 1915 to 1919, and all of the reading venues are either related to Joyce’s life in Zurich or to the action in the novel.
The readings last c. 60 minutes each and can be attended without prior knowledge of the novel. It is not possible to attend all of the readings so please select by venue, chapter, time, and language in the program overview according to preference.
Actors and actresses, students of the University and ZHdK, friends of the James Joyce Foundation, talented amateurs, and members of the Zurich English-Speaking Theatre (ZEST) will be reading.
No reservations can be made. Please arrive early to secure a seat. Standing room is not permitted.
James Joyce Stiftung, Augustinergasse 9
It is 8 am. While preparing breakfast, Leopold Bloom, a Jewish advertising canvasser, decides to buy a pork kidney from the butcher. He brings his wife Molly her mail and breakfast in bed. One letter is from Blazes Boylan, a concert promoter (with whom she will have an affair). Bloom receives a letter from their daughter Milly in Mullingar.
Lesende: Stephen Carlin, Sarah d’Episcopo, Gabriel Renggli
Max: 20 people
Grossmünster Turm, Duration: 20 minutes
It is 8 am and Stephen Dedalus, an aloof aspiring writer, is staying in a historical tower with Malachi “Buck” Mulligan, a medical student. He is peeved with Mulligan because of a comment about his recently deceased mother and because the English visitor Haines woke him in the night raving about a black panther. Stephen feels guilty that he did not pray when his mother died. They eat breakfast and walk to a swimming hole where Mulligan takes the key to the tower.
Readers: Ulrich Blumenbach, Mika Klute, Andi Waldvogel
Sauna Christian Drescher, Badeanlage Utoquai
Bloom, who is tormented by the thought of Boylan and Molly’s assignation in the afternoon, picks up a letter from a secret correspondent, Martha Clifford, from the post office. He enters a Catholic church and muses on religion. After buying a bar of lemon soap, he bumps into Bantam Lyons, who wants to find out about a horse race, but does not seem to listen. Then Bloom goes to an oriental bath.
Readers: Antonia Fritz, Hugo Ramnek
Max: 25 people
Note: Wool blankets will be provided.
No toilets available
Abdankungshalle Friedhof Fluntern & James Joyce’s grave
Bloom and a few others attend a funeral for Patrick Dignam. In the funeral carriage, they pass Stephen and later Boylan and discuss death while Bloom thinks of his dead infant son Rudy and his father’s suicide.
Readers: Carmen Aeschbacher, Pascale Albrecht, Jelena Taylor Botacio, Wilmari Claasen, Jay Dürig
Max: 50 people
Druckerei Hürlimann, Lieferanteneingang im Innenhof Haus “Zur blauen Schnecke”, Oberdorfstrasse 24/26
At a newspaper office, Bloom tries to place an ad for a client, and Stephen arrives with a letter for the editor about foot and mouth disease. Bloom and Stephen do not meet yet.
Readers: Walter Albrecht, Heidi Fuchs, Sinan Ünesen
Max: 25 people
Restaurant Weisser Wind, Theatersaal, Oberdorfstrasse 20
While Bloom contemplates lunch, he bumps into an old flame and hears about Mina Purefoy’s difficult labor. He enters a restaurant but is disgusted by the patrons so he goes to Davy Byrne’s pub for a gorgonzola sandwich and a glass of burgundy. He reminisces about his life with Molly and then ponders whether statues of Greek goddesses have anuses. To find out, he heads to the National Museum but he sees Boylan on the street.
Reader: Nikolaus Schmid
Max: 120 people
Landesmuseum, Bibliothek
Stephen is in the National Library pontificating about Shakespeare to a group of librarians. He argues that Hamlet is about the supposed adultery of the Bard’s wife. Bloom enters the library, passing between Stephen and Mulligan as they exit. (242)
Readers: Ulrich Blumenbach, Tommy Bodmer, Mika Klute, Andi Waldvogel
Max: 30 people
Due to Covid and the lack of tram drivers, the Ulysses tram will not depart from Central at 15:00. Instead, the reading will take place at the Tram Museum / Tram Depot Burgwies, Forchstrasse 260. (Take tram 11 direction Rehalp. 10 minutes from Bellevue.)
Not wheelchair accessible
The chapter focuses on the city with various denizens moving about the streets of Dublin, starting with Father Conmee, a Jesuit priest, and ending with the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland’s cavalcade.
Readers: Anton Rey, Mandy Fabian Osterhage
Max: 35 people
Rest. Kronenhalle, Kronenhalle Galerie, 1. Stock, Rämistrasse
Bloom has a meal at the Ormond hotel while Boylan is on the way to Bloom’s house. Bloom listens to the singing of an opera aria and an Irish ballad. He watches the seductive barmaids as he composes his reply to Martha Clifford.
Readers: Tamsayne Beesley, Sue Brönnimann, Paul Kelly, Catherine Rhatigan
Max: 40 people
James-Joyce Pub, Pelikanstrasse 8
An unnamed narrator at Barney Kiernan’s pub meets a “the Citizen”, a cantankerous Irish nationalist. Bloom is harangued by him but defends himself, aggravating the Citizen more. This culminates in the Citizen throwing a biscuit tin at Bloom, who narrowly escapes.
Readers: William Brockman, Andreas Flückiger, Rafael Newman
Max: 40 people
Price for Guinness:
0.3l CHF 7.00
0.5l CHF 9.80
MS Etzel, Schiffssteg Bürkliplatz
Three young women taking care of children on Sandymount Strand attract Bloom’s attention. One of them, the romantic Gerty MacDowell, sits on the rocks contemplating love and marriage as darkness falls. She teases Bloom by revealing her legs and underwear. Aroused, Bloom masturbates to the fireworks of a nearby bazaar. When she leaves, Bloom notices that she has a lame leg. Bloom then meditates on his long day.
Readers: Rahel Huwyler, Eric Rohner
Max: 35 people
Literaturhaus/ Museumsgesellschaft, Limmatquai 62
The chapter, which imitates the evolution of the English language, takes place at the maternity hospital, where Mina Purefoy is in prolonged labour. When Bloom visits, he meets a group of medical students including drunken Stephen. While a boy is born off stage, there are extended conversations in literary parodies. The group hasten to a pub for the last drink.
Readers: Ulrich Blumenbach, Barbara Fischer
Max: 85 people
Restaurant Weisser Wind, Theatersaal, Oberdorfstrasse 20, Duration: 90 minutes
Stephen and Lynch stumble into Bella Cohen’s brothel in the red-light district with Bloom following behind. Reality and fantasy blur in the brothel area. Bloom takes charge when Stephen smashes the chandelier and flees. Then Bloom tries to intervene when Stephen gets in an argument with a soldier who knocks him out. When the police arrive, Bloom takes care of Stephen.
Readers: Ray Bär, Claudia Bodmer, Michel Bodmer, Lorraine Kaelin, Pepper Lebeck-Jobe, Jian Li, Michael Rutman, Claudia Wicki, Markus Wyler
Max: 120 people
Clublokal Kanu-Club Zürich, Schipfe 33
Bloom leads drunken Stephen to a cabman’s shelter where they meet a drunken sailor named Murphy who tells adventurous tall tales.
Readers: Irish Ambassador Eamon Hickey, Stephen Carlin, Orestes Leventis
Max: 35 people
Museum Strauhof, 1. Stock, Augustinergasse 9, Lesungsdauer: 45 Minuten
Bloom brings Stephen home for a cup of cocoa, where they talk, mainly at cross purposes. Bloom offers Stephen a place to sleep for the night but Stephen refuses. They urinate in the yard and Stephen departs into the night. When Bloom goes to bed, Molly asks him about his day before he falls asleep.
Readers: Irmela Beyer, Tillmann Braun
James Joyce Stiftung, Augustinergasse 9
In bed with Bloom, Molly thinks about Boylan, Bloom, past admirers, her childhood in Gibraltar and her singing career. She ends on the memory of Bloom’s marriage proposal to her on Howth and her reply: yes.
Reader: Elisabeth Reichenbrugger
Max: 20 people