ZÜRICH James Joyce Foundation

Reading Groups

The Zürich James Joyce Foundation has been conducting weekly reading groups of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake for years. The aim is a thorough but leisurely and relaxed ramble through the works, step by step, with comments and discussion. It should bring out the vitality and humor of what so many potential readers shy away from but others become addicted to.


All groups can be joined at any time. Newcomers are always welcome.


The reading group led by Fritz Senn meets every

Thursday, 16:30 – 18:00

Please sign up via emailing at info@joycefoundation.ch as space is limited. 

Finnegans Wake

There are two separate groups: one on Zoom and one on site at the Foundation. 

Tuesdays 19:00 – 20:30
Please sign up at info@joycefoundation.ch for this online Wake reading group hosted by Dirk Vanderbeke. We will email you the Zoom link every Tuesday morning.
Thursdays 7:00 – 8:30

The “infinite” Wake group with Fritz Senn meets  in person at the Foundation every Thursday.


